
ADDED: Additional Psychological Counselling for December

There was a new slot added for Psychological Counselling on December, 12 2023. For more information and registration see here. It is needed to book the counselling slots in advance. Please read the instructions and in case you cannot attend, deregister or let us know as soon as possible via email!

ADDED: Additional Psychological Counselling for December

NEW: Psychological Counselling for December

There were added new slots for Psychological Counselling in December 2023. For more information and registration see here. It is needed to book the counselling slots in advance. Please read the instructions and in case you cannot attend, deregister or let us know as soon as possible via email!

NEW: Psychological Counselling for December

Survey: Mental health

Dear students, We would like to find out how your mental health is doing and what difficulties you are experiencing through a questionnaire survey, in order to offer you more targeted help or work to improve access to services where appropriate. It is possible that some of you may not be personally affected by such […]

Survey: Mental health

NEW: Psychological Counselling for November

There were added new slots for Psychological Counselling in November 2023. For more information and registration see here. It is needed to book the counselling slots in advance. Please read the instructions and in case you cannot attend, deregister or let us know as soon as possible via email!

NEW: Psychological Counselling for November

Counselling for Ukrainian students

The Academic Psychological Counselling Service continues to provide assistance to Ukrainian students in Ukrainian language. Students who want to use the help of a qualified psychologist Mgr. Uliana Tymtsiv can register register via wrting her an email. Individual counseling in Ukrainian is conducted in the room (RB 332) on Friday afternoon at times agreed with […]

Counselling for Ukrainian students

NEW: Psychological Counselling for October

There were added new slots for Psychological Counselling in October 2023. For more information and registration see here. It is needed to book the counselling slots in advance. Please read the instructions and in case you cannot attend, deregister or let us know as soon as possible via email!

NEW: Psychological Counselling for October

NEW: Psychological Counselling for Orientation Week

There were added new slots for Psychological Counselling Orientation Week for Winter semester 2023. For more information and registration see here. It is needed to book the counselling slots in advance via registration system. Please read the instructions and in case you cannot attend, deregister from the session!

NEW: Psychological Counselling for Orientation Week

New registration system for psychological counselling

There is a new registration system for Academic Psychological Counselling. The registrations are done here. In the up-right corner sign in with your VŠE username and password (same as for InSIS and o365). After registering you can choose the preffered session (you may filter the languages – please make sure you register for the relevant […]

New registration system for psychological counselling

NEW: Psychological Counselling for June

There were added new slots for Psychological Counselling in June 2023. For more information and registration see here. It is needed to book the counselling slots in advance via Doodle. Please read the instructions and in case you cannot attend, let us know as soon as possible via email!

NEW: Psychological Counselling for June

NEW: Psychological Counselling for May

There were added new slots for Psychological Counselling in May 2023. For more information and registration see here. It is needed to book the counselling slots in advance via Doodle. Please read the instructions and in case you cannot attend, let us know as soon as possible via email!

NEW: Psychological Counselling for May